Driver arrested after overtaking police car at 110mph on M55 because he was 'too drunk to notice'

A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police)A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police)
A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police) | Lancashire Police
A driver was "too drunk to notice" a police car as they overtook it at 110mph on the M55.

The driver of a Renault overtook a fully liveried police Volvo V90 at 110mph on the M55 on Sunday.

They were stopped and subsequently arrested for various offences.

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A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police)A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police)
A driver was arrested after overtaking a police car at 110mph on the M55 (Credit: Lancashire Police) | Lancashire Police

The car seized was also seized under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act as their driving licence had been revoked.

Lancashire Police have been approached for more information.

How to report traffic crime or dangerous situations

Report erratic driving, dangerous loads, unroadworthy vehicles or hazards on the road by phoning 999 as soon as you safely can.

Write down the registration number of any vehicle involved, with a description of the make, colour and, if possible, who was driving.

To make the report anonymously call Crimestoppers, a national charity who will pass the information on without asking for your personal details.

Click HERE for more information.