From a woman whose body was found so badly beaten she has never been identified to the case of a young mum who vanished on her way home, their cases remain unsolved.
Spanning from 1970 to the early 2000s, the perpetrators of the murders have yet to be brought to justice despite extensive police investigations.
In some cases the bodies of the women were never found, but the circumstances of their disappearances have led to their cases being treated as murder.
Friday (25 November) marks the start of 16 days of activism aimed at ending violence against women, starting with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and White Ribbon Day.
We take a look at 20 female murder victims of all different ages and walks of life from across the UK whose cases have tragically remained unsolved.
In some cases the bodies of the women were never found, but the circumstances of their disappearances have led to their cases being treated as murder.