Knowing how to correctly pronounce the name of a place you are visiting in the UK can prove to be a whole can of worms.
The British Isles has had a long and varied linguistic history meaning that towns, villages and cities could draw their names from words of Celtic, Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Norse origins - to name just a few. To make things even more complex, while the spelling of place names might have evolved through the years, the pronouncation may still be routed in the origin of the words.
It means that sometimes you might see a name like Bicester and think you know exactly how to say it. But you could in fact be very wrong!
We have pulled together a list of 17 place names you might have just been mispronouncing all along. Don’t worry we will reveal how you should say them!

1. Towcester
No it's not Tow-cester - it is actually pronounced toaster (tohs-ter), yes like the household appliance you put bread into. | Getty Images

2. Kirkcaldy
Located in Fife, you might think it is pronounced Kirk-Caldy - but the correct way to say it is actually kuh-kaw·dee. | Getty Images

3. Godmanchester
You might think pronouncing the name of this Cambridgeshire town might be simple - it has to be God manchester right? The correct pronunciation is god-mun-chester (god- muhn-cheh-stuh) | Godmanchester town council

4. Frome
It might look like you should say From when pronouncing this place name. But it is actually pronounced Froom - just like the Tour de France winning cyclist! | Getty Images